Are you feeling frustrated by the stubborn fat that hangs on?
Being overweight can take a toll on both your health and your look. If you’re struggling with stubborn fat, starting a diet and exercise routine is the best way to lose it. If you’ve already adopted a healthy routine and still struggle with stubborn fat, we can help. Sometimes we all need a little boost, and that’s what our truSculpt®, weight loss, and IV therapy treatments can offer. These options offer a safe, non-invasive method of eliminating fat without hassle.

Why does stubborn fat form?
The appearance of belly fat and love handles is often due to a lack of exercise and improper nutrition. Some of us may still struggle with these issues even if we do our best to care for ourselves. Of the many factors contributing to those stubborn fat areas, age and genetics are the least within our control. As we age, our metabolisms slow down, causing greater fat retention.
How can RTW help me?
Body sculpting is a non-invasive alternative to surgery. This process effectively reduces stubborn fat areas and allows you to get a better aesthetic result from your workouts. TruSculpt® is designed to address stubborn fat on the abdomen and flanks. TruSculpt® is a radiofrequency device that disrupts targeted areas of fat using heat. The device comes with a handpiece that makes it easy to target your flanks and abdominal area. Treatments are non-invasive and provide great results. Once the fat is disrupted, it is gradually removed through your lymphatic system. This process minimizes the appearance of loose skin and allows you to slim down naturally.
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What can I expect during trusculpt® treatments?
During the treatment, the device’s handpiece will be applied to the area(s) of concern. It will then heat the area, bringing it to an appropriate temperature for fat cell destruction. After the cells have been destroyed, the body will eliminate them naturally through the lymphatic system.
As the heat disrupts fat, it also tightens the skin in the treatment area, so you aren’t left with hanging skin once the fat is removed. Studies have shown that an average of 24% of body fat is removed after just one treatment session with truSculpt®.
Reduce stubborn fat at RTW in Boston
If you have stubborn fat you want to eliminate, we can help. We offer non-invasive truSculpt® treatments that can help shed unwanted pockets of fat. Connect with us in Boston to learn more about this non-invasive body contouring option by clicking the button below or calling our office at 617-368-0820.